
Random Ramblings from a Teenage Girl

Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Recipe for a Derricious Morning

Okay so I might be a morning person and you might not be but you can easily modify the recipe for your own personal tastes.

Alarm Clock
Dog or Cat
Tennis Shoes
Workout Clothes

Step 1) Wake up to alarm clock no later than 7:30 (Again this is where you modify)
Step 2) Get a sloppy kiss from your dog(or angry meow from your cat) and be sure to return the favor by scratching behind his or her ears.
Step 3) Read at least one verse from your Bible
Step 4) Put on tennis shoes and workout clothes and go for either a) a run or b) a workout
Step 5) Prepare some hot water for your tea. Fill either a large mug or a thermos with the hot water. (A teacup is not recommended due to the small amount of yummy liquid it provides)
Step 6) Add tea bag to hot water.
Step 7) If using large mug add two small spoonfulls of sugar. (Use a small sugar spoon, the cute, little kind) If using a thermos add two heaping spoonfuls of sugar (same kind of spoon)
Step 8) Fill the remainder of the mug/thermos with milk.
Step 9) Enjoy your morning :)

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