
Random Ramblings from a Teenage Girl

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Get them Zs

Some people can sleep just about anywhere. Specifically people like Elfantasmita22. He can drop down and catch a few winks of sleep anytime anywhere. Take for example our beloved Doctrine class. This kid has had to stand up for the entire class because he was SNORING!!!!! Once or twice he voluntarily stood up, knowing he would fall asleep as soon as he sat down. To be able to sleep like that is astounding. No need for quiet, no need for dark. No need to even lie down. Just give him somewhere to semi rest his head and he'll be out.

I got this from this website.

It was Elfantasmita22's birthday this past Saturday and to celebrate a bunch of guys slept over at his house and they did a bunch of guy things like play Call of Duty and watch 300. So anyway these guys told me that at some point in the night/morning. Elfantasmita22 said he was tired and was going to go to sleep. Poof! Just like that he was fast asleep. Crazy huh?

The whole phenomenon of sleep and how to get the most of it amazes me. So any of you guys who are insomniacs, or just plain can't sleep very well I suggest you shoot Elfantasmita22 a message and ask him for some tips. Either that or you can repeatedly bang yourself in the head until you get knocked-out. Your choice.


Snap here. Snap there. Andre and his camera are extensions of one another. It is as though his camera portrays the uniqueness of his life. Like the photos he takes, each moment is a snapshot. He uses his camera to capture that moment. Keep it there, don't forget. Serious moments. Like the first day of school, going to the village, sharing the gospel with friends, youth group. Silly moments. Like conversations about flirting, winning at Knockout, eating baked goods, laughing about inside jokes. Each of these moments are captured. Either in the memory or on the film. Nothing will escape forever. Sure he will forget somethings, and others will have a lasting impression. But his camera, that extension of himself will always be at hand.
Looking back through old snapshots. Life keeps moving. The snapshots help him remember and remind him of the future. Its his senior year. This is it. he and his camera are going to hit the school hard. Things will change, traditions might be broken. It's a waiting game to see if it is all for the better. Memories sometimes fade, but a picture can last forever.
The photo is Andre's.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

College Rant

College is a royal mess. Applying and finding scholarships and everything else that goes with it can be so annoying. This becomes especially true if you happen to have attended a different high school for every single year! And it gets more difficult when each of those high schools is from either a different country or a different state. Let me explain. College applications tend to ask for things like teacher recommendations, school counselor recommendations, proof of schools, transcripts and addresses. When you have never had a teacher for more than one year, its hard to find someone who is willing to write a good letter. When your current school does not have a counselor that problem gets bigger. Anyhow it becomes a huge mess. Doesn't even matter that you have good grades and cool background. Okay so it does matter and I am venting here but hey! What does it matter?
So here is how you can avoid all these problems.
2) Keep good record of all your transcripts and make sure they are correct( My freshmen years grades got skewed once and we didnt find out til my junior year)
3) Save all your big tests. That is AP, ACT and or SAT.
4) Write more then one essay and pick the ones you like best. If you write more then one you will find out that some ideas are better than others.
5) Make sure your junior year is fantastic. DO NOT SLACK OFF your junior year!!!!! Colleges take junior year very seriously. Its the most important year of high school. Take hard classes and do good in them.
6) Know what your favorite coleges want. Some colleges require you to take all the core subjects every year. This is something you would want to know.
7) Keep looking and praying. God will provide. Just because college is expensive does not mean you have to go head over heels in debt.
8) One last thing, you do not have to go to college. It might not be the right thing for you. Make sure and pra about it. College should not be something you do just because everyone told you to.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

People Are _______

Two years ago El Klutzo suffered a severe near-case of  pneumonia. His doctor ordered him to suck on a cough drop during his classes. For reasons unknown El Klutzo decided to suck on one corner of the cough drop until it was sharpend to a pinnacle. He then proceeded to poke his finger repeatedly with the sharp edible object. After a short period of time blood began to ooze out of his finger. El Klutzo began to pierce the air with blood-curdling screams. Oddly enough, his blood did not curdle but continued oozing. His classmates laughed, he got reprimended and the day was finished.
 The next year El Klutzo was once again enjoying cough drops. His classmate Aradan reminded of that fatal day. El Klutzo denied the possibility of history repeating itself. He claimed it was a "freak accident". To prove his point he began poking himself repeatedly with the cough drop. Unsurprisingly he started to bleed. He looked sheepishly at his finger while his classmates roared with laughter.
Tune in next year to hear the same story...again.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Old Nemesis Returns

Galumpher loved to play. He was like an angel; the cute, innocent, little boy. Galumpher was always on the go. He and his friends would spend their days running through the town playing silly running games. Galumpher always had fun. In his mind he was unbeatable. Sure his friends might win some games, but he could never be bested. He was in control. Until one day.

From this website
 The fatal day rolled around like every other day. Galumpher was running with his friends, enjoying life and its simplicity. As Galumpher rounded the corner he ran into something quite unexpected. Literally ran into it. The clothesline. The clothesline stood its ground and Galumpher found himself lying, bleeding, and staring up at a sky divided by a thin line. He had found his match. After some tears, hugs and blood, Galumpher got up, went home and after his face healed forgot about the incident. The clothesline was forgotten.

From this website
Years later, Galumpher was growing up like every other boy. He now went to school like a big boy and had another enemy called homework whose unwanted presence often interrupted his fun. But in all Galumpher still believed he was in control. Until his past caught up to his present.
Galumpher was playing basketball with his friends. He was running happily along after the ball when suddenly it happened again! Galumpher looked up through one eye and saw the sky divided by a thin line. His face was bloody, swollen and uncomfortable. His other eye didn't seem to be working. Galumpher had met his old nemesis. The clothesline beat him once again.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


My locker opens into another dimension. Do I need to worry about this?

You know what really puts a spring in my step? Jet packs

Never take a cyclops to a 3D movie unless you want to hear about what a rip-off it is for two hours.

There’s a first time for everything except déjà vu.

I guess I need a dragon-proof bird feeder now. Stupid dragons.

It’s hard to keep a superhero identity secret when your cape is dry clean only.

One of these days the fire hydrant is going to get back at my dog, and it’s not going to be pretty.

True fact: Tyrannosaurs have small hands to help them get into prehistoric cookie jars.

Robot, ninja, pirate is the real-life version of rock, paper, scissors.

My new submarine cost an arm and a leg, which is cheap if you buy from an octopus.

I finally finished my life-size jigsaw puzzle of the Earth. You've probably seen it.

Time is on my side, but neither of us is very good at basketball.

When life gives you lemons, make abstract lemon art. Life won’t expect that.

The key to throwing yourself a surprise party is planning really far in advance, or not at all.

Okay so these are just a few of Skittle's facebook statuses. I really loved them and knew that the only way you would read them is if I posted them for you. Go to http://www.facebook.com/#!/skittles for more.