So what marshmallow are you? I have created the folowing quiz so that you can learn for yourself. I know most of you are bored for certain periods of your life so I wanted to help you waste your time by making this quiz for you. (My quiz will include hourglasses and pots of gold)

1) When you see someone you haven't seen for awhile but are excited to see them you....
a) Give them a bear hug!
b) Shoot up a prayer of thanksgiving.
c) Jump around like a mad man
d) Smile ginourmously
e) Tell them how cute/handsome they look
f) Throw away the calandar you've been using to countdown the days
g) Run slow-mo towards them like they do in movies
h) Tell them all the sweet plans you are going to do with them
i) Grab them and go out and do something
2) You are in a t-shirt store, you would buy....
a) One for your friend
b) The one with a cross on it
c) That neon orange one with the crazy stripes all over
d) Hello Kitty!
e) Only the brand names obviously.
f) The old fashioned one
g) One for you and a matching one for someone special
h) All of them, I mean you've got the money
i) Who cares?! Lets just go do something
3) Music?
a) Country
b) Praise
c) Whatever is NOT normal
d) Happy songs like Owl City
e) Whatever's "in"
f) Oldies
g) Love songs!
h) Rap
i) Techno
4) Books?
a) sappy
b) inspirational
c) funny
d) good endings
e) What are those?
f) historical
g) drama
i) ... for dummies :)
5) Which day would you like best?
a) Spend the day with my friends!
b) Hang out with the youth group
c) Roll down a grassy hill in my swimsuit while screaming.
d) Share Random Acts of Kindness
e) Go to the mall
f) Scrapbook
g) Spend all day with my dream other half
h) Shopping
i) Something active!
Okay so I know this was semi short but long at the same time so anyway this is how it works. You probably got a combination of things because most people like multiple things so you can pick the one you had the most of or the top two or whatever and read about your marshmallow type. (this is purely fictional and for fun okay)
a) = Hearts: Hearts like hanging out with friends, Hearts are people-persons and cannot stand being alone.
b) = Clovers: Clovers put God above everything, they really make their relationship with God count.
c) = Red Balloons: They're just CRAZY! Whatever is not norm they'll do.
d) = Rainbows: These are happy people and they like sharing their happiness.
e) = Stars: All about fashion and what's in
f) = Hourglass: They like the old and find value in traditions.
g) = Blue Moons: Hopeless romantics. If its loveydovey and sad they dig it.
h) = Pots of Gold: Really like their money and the stuff they can do with it.
i) = Horseshoes: Active people, no sitting around for them.
Remember this was just for fun and is in no way accurate :)
I got a mixture of all. So sad. :( I don't have two of any. I guess I am the the whole bowl of lucky charms!! Yum, yum!