
Random Ramblings from a Teenage Girl

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Get them Zs

Some people can sleep just about anywhere. Specifically people like Elfantasmita22. He can drop down and catch a few winks of sleep anytime anywhere. Take for example our beloved Doctrine class. This kid has had to stand up for the entire class because he was SNORING!!!!! Once or twice he voluntarily stood up, knowing he would fall asleep as soon as he sat down. To be able to sleep like that is astounding. No need for quiet, no need for dark. No need to even lie down. Just give him somewhere to semi rest his head and he'll be out.

I got this from this website.

It was Elfantasmita22's birthday this past Saturday and to celebrate a bunch of guys slept over at his house and they did a bunch of guy things like play Call of Duty and watch 300. So anyway these guys told me that at some point in the night/morning. Elfantasmita22 said he was tired and was going to go to sleep. Poof! Just like that he was fast asleep. Crazy huh?

The whole phenomenon of sleep and how to get the most of it amazes me. So any of you guys who are insomniacs, or just plain can't sleep very well I suggest you shoot Elfantasmita22 a message and ask him for some tips. Either that or you can repeatedly bang yourself in the head until you get knocked-out. Your choice.


  1. It's true! In Chem he was snoring with his head on his arms. I was glad that the teacher doesn't hear very well... :)

  2. hey you gotta do it when you gotta do it...that's how it works hahaha. The teacher part is true...I wish the Bible teacher didn't have very good hearing either lol.
