
Random Ramblings from a Teenage Girl

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

College Rant

College is a royal mess. Applying and finding scholarships and everything else that goes with it can be so annoying. This becomes especially true if you happen to have attended a different high school for every single year! And it gets more difficult when each of those high schools is from either a different country or a different state. Let me explain. College applications tend to ask for things like teacher recommendations, school counselor recommendations, proof of schools, transcripts and addresses. When you have never had a teacher for more than one year, its hard to find someone who is willing to write a good letter. When your current school does not have a counselor that problem gets bigger. Anyhow it becomes a huge mess. Doesn't even matter that you have good grades and cool background. Okay so it does matter and I am venting here but hey! What does it matter?
So here is how you can avoid all these problems.
2) Keep good record of all your transcripts and make sure they are correct( My freshmen years grades got skewed once and we didnt find out til my junior year)
3) Save all your big tests. That is AP, ACT and or SAT.
4) Write more then one essay and pick the ones you like best. If you write more then one you will find out that some ideas are better than others.
5) Make sure your junior year is fantastic. DO NOT SLACK OFF your junior year!!!!! Colleges take junior year very seriously. Its the most important year of high school. Take hard classes and do good in them.
6) Know what your favorite coleges want. Some colleges require you to take all the core subjects every year. This is something you would want to know.
7) Keep looking and praying. God will provide. Just because college is expensive does not mean you have to go head over heels in debt.
8) One last thing, you do not have to go to college. It might not be the right thing for you. Make sure and pra about it. College should not be something you do just because everyone told you to.

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