
Random Ramblings from a Teenage Girl

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

How to Write a Good Book Title

So here I am in a VERY small library looking around at the different book titles. There are boring titles such as The Race for Rome by Dan Kurzman and there are wierd titles like Bless This Mouse by Lois Lowery. I mean bless a mouse? Does that scream read me to you? Maybe if you really liked mice...
So how does one go about picking a great book title? Follow these simple steps and you can write a best-selling title in no time at all.
First keep in mind that a title needs to be catchy but not way far out. It still has to somehow relate to your story. Okay so here we go.
Step 1) Have someone mentally say their ABC's. Tell them to stop and whatever letter they stop at will be your letter. Example:
My Boyfriend- (in his head) A, B, C, D, E, F.
Me-(interupting his thoughts) STOP!!!!!!!
My Boyfriend: Your letter is F.
Me: yeah! :)
Okay you get the picture.
Step 2) Now think of something in your book that starts with that letter. Example:
My story was about a depressed girl who gets candy and lives under a double rainbow and is never depressed again. My letter was F. So my word would be Freckles, because the girl has freckles.
Step 3) Now pick you bestest most favoritest adjective in the whole world. BUT! If your book is sad it needs to be your favorite sad adjective, if it is happy, the happy one and so forth. Example:
Fantabulous...So now I have Fantaboulous Freckles.
Step 4) Not done yet! To finsh your title switch words around and if you need to add something to get a better picture do it. Make sure the words are not in normal order. Example:
Do not write Fantabulous Freckles Under The Rainbow. Instead write Freckles Under The Rainbow Fantabulous!
Step 5) Underline it. Now you have a title! Now finish the book. Example:
Freckles Under the Rainbow Fantabulous!

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